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This page contains the archive of my microblog from

I have not completely converted it back to markdown so some of it has noise from legacy php.

## 2015bog2

### 2015-11-30 Not really a user of Slackware, but <a href=\"\">Slackware Live Edition</a> recently came out. Also, note that it uses eudev instead of systemd.

### 2015-11-28 <a href=\"\">sweetgreen</a> and <a href=\"\">spacemacs</a> look cool

### 2015-11-25 I updated my about page. I plan on removing all php scripts within index pages, though I will keep some for ajax fun. Currently working on a non-browser-based interface to update the dagbog. It will use the command line, but I will wrap it later so I can use a browser to open/execute the scripts to update so I can use it anywhere, from a terminal to that gosh darn mobile device. Technically this belongs to bog 4, but I feel lazy.

### 2015-06-19 echo "Listen to the difference in pronounciation " . printHyperlink("", "for these Icelandic recordings", "") . "(repost). Also, nice " . printHyperlink("", "old dansk tunga dictionary", "") . ".";

### 2015-06-03 echo "Have not used my dagbog in a while because spending most of my time on " . printHyperlink("", "Freepost", "") . ".";

### 2015-04-22

echo "Today I worked mainly in javascript. The main takeway I have relates to the implications of implicit semicolons. By the way, I dislike them. Many of the following overlap. "; echo printHyperlink("", "Javascript Best Practices", "") . " at the Code Project. "; echo printHyperlink("", "Javascript Best Practices", "") . " at the W3C. "; echo printHyperlink("", "24 JavaScript Best Practices for Beginners", "") . " at tuts+. "; echo printHyperlink("", "Object Oriented Javascript best practices", "") . " at Stackoverflow. ";

echo printHyperlink("", "Too Often, Some Say, Volunteer Officers Just Want To Play Cop", "");

### 2015-04-19 echo printHyperlink("", "foooooo!", "");

echo "<strike>I just used the gtk version of ".printHyperlink("", "Veromix", "")." and it saved me quite a bit of time with my sound routing.</strike> After rebooting it killed my sound and gave me system errors. ";

### 2015-03-29 echo printHyperlink("", "omniglot with old norse words", "");

echo printHyperlink("", "Dr. Marty Lobdell from Pierce College", "") . " and " . printHyperlink("", "The APA", "") . " have much to say about studying too much. ";

echo printHyperlink("", "50 great parallax scrolling websites", "")." (possible repost? seems familiar…)";

echo printHyperlink("", "meetings", "");

echo printHyperlink("", "spe'uth", "").", for bear in Coast Salish. ";

echo printHyperlink("", "Costa Rica is now running completely on renewable energy", "").". The article notes that, &quot;fossil fuels are still needed as a backup plan if, for instance, there’s a stretch of time when the country hasn’t experienced enough wind or sunshine to power everything.&quot; But I can refute that by several examples or analogies. I do not need to eat all of my frozen food after I come home from the supermarket if I have a refrigerator. Just perform an internet search for graphene capacitors or hydrogen fuel cells. ";

echo "Trevor Timm recently wrote an article,".printHyperlink("", "The FBI used to recommend encryption. Now they want to ban it", "")." . Regardless of what people think about encryption, this also points out a possible political conflict between different officials and their respective expertise because the White House says they support encryption, but they also started drafting a law that inhibits encryption. I feel like this has contradiction has root in politics rather than public safety or security, and I hope I do not have it wrong for the good of all people's safety. And most certainly, I do not have the whole story and someone from Timm's article has more of it than I do. ";

### 2015-03-22 echo "For information on defending human rights pertaining to the state of human trafficking in Oregon, visit the ".printHyperlink("", "Oregonians Against Trafficking Humans", "")." website. ";