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1 Problems in general

These problems have no specific relation with the stories.

2 Problems with the prequels

Presented problems with Anakin and Luke having the same last name and growing up on the same planet.

  1. Anakin should have had a different last name because everyone would have known him as one of the most famous jedi before he turned into Darth Vader. When Luke rescues Leia and introduces himself with the same last name as Anakin, Leia would have called him much more than short for a stormtrooper. Unless the family name of Skywalker is as common as Anderson on Tattooine.
  2. Conversely, Ben says Anakin was "killed by Darth Vader who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil". That works for Luke, but the rest of the galaxy would remember the hero who went crazy. However, even by fooling just Luke, that would not protect Luke from the person they meant to hide him from in the first place. Even Yoda keeps it from Luke, in the verification reveil before he dies.
  3. The Emperor calls Luke, the son of Skywalker when talking to Vader, even though we know Skywalker and Vader mean the same person (later in the movie). The only in-universe explanation would mean there was some coverup that both the Emperor and Ben persist in their stories, though the Emperor would not need to do this for Vader except for out-of-universe reasons of preserving the climax reveil to Luke at Cloud City.

3 Notes from the originals

"Do not underestimate the powers of the Emperor, or else suffer your father's fate you will." -Yoda

"When I first knew him, your father was already a great pilot." -Ben

"To protect you both from the Emperor, you were hidden from your father when you were born." -Ben, explains in passive voice either to remove responsibility from himself or to hide something else from Luke

"You don't know the power of the dark side. I must obey my master." -Vader

4 Fixes for the prequels

Should have reveiled

The just reason

Remove and avoid R2, 3po, and Quigon at all for the sake of continuity. Give Anakin a different last name or create some way to mend at least the latter two examples of Ben and the Emperor persisting the idea that Vader and Anakin Skywalker mean two different people. Make Anakin and Ben good friends.

5 Define the protagonist

5.1 Option 1: Ben

This way, Ben can become friends with Anakin, train him, and have his own adventure that evetually crosses paths with or completely ends in the conflict between the two. Anakin does not need to be in the entire story.

5.1.1 Ben trains Anakin, version 1

Perhaps Ben joined the jedi long ago. Then one day he takes a bus/transport vessel somewhere, driven/flown by Anakin. Something bad happens, and both Ben and Anakin save everyone using inate force talents. Ben decides to train Anakin before he goes back to work. In the originals, the training happens quickly for the talented users, so they only need a short time. Ben points Anakin to the jedi membership hiring hall, and they part ways.

  1. Variations


    • Both Ben and Anakin have already enlisted to fight in the clone wars. They meet on Victory day. Anakin flies a bus. Terrorists attack the bus.

    Variations elements

    • When in relation to the clone wars
    • Their destination
    • Who attacks to the bus

5.1.2 The just reason

After the clone wars, many of the droids go to a distance solar system to retire. However, the masters don't understand or know this. They think someone has stolen their property. The republic asks the jedi to investigate, along with Anakin. Either by miscommmunication, mind control, or their own corruption, the jedi decide to ignore the droids and force them back to their masters. However, Anakin defends the droids and kills all of the other relentless jedi in the process.

5.2 Option 2: Anakin

This would require a more mature plot developed around Anakin's motives for hunting down the jedi and joining the dark side.

5.3 Option 3: Someone else, possibly Leia and Luke's mother

Using some completely different character opens up many possibilities, including a purely tragic story of betrayal if this person belongs to the jedi.

6 Define the plot