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1 tl;dr

emacs and orgmode totally rock. Made most of tech that came out of the 80s, emacs finally grew up to make all the bad enterprise tools from the late 90s feel and look like garbage. Yeah, I mean you Java!

2 Long version

Also, since it came up, I use emacs and orgmode for almost everything both in the game and at work. Emacs has a great advantage that you can make it do just about whatever you want. So even though I sometimes use a code editor like Eclipse or Android Studio, I pretty much always use emacs along side, or only. I've been using it for years.

Orgmode on the other hand, I just started using within the last couple years. It is an addon for emacs (supposedly there's a way to run it without with another build of the program). You can use it as a planner, organize projects, build websites (I just started converting mine last month), compose and send emails, export to pdf. If you already use git, which most developers do, it makes the idea of using something like Jira, Trello, PBworks, or Confluence feel like something out of the late 90s because they're so slow. A text editor with a git website backend can do so much more and faster than any of these webtools.

3 Nerd glasses on

Imagine orgmode with a websocket layer open to the git backend…