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1 Most common use cases

The following use cases sum up what I do the most with rsync. I personally use it mostly for pushing content.

1.1 Update a remote

The following shows how to update the remote content, for example, for a blog. It removes the old, adds the new, and leaves things only on the remote. Just replace the path for remote with the host and path for the blog.

me@here:~/$ ./demo 
      #!/usr/bin/env bash
      set -e
      set -u
      set -o pipefail
      cat demo
      echo "Run the demo..."
      mkdir temp \
          && cd temp \
          && mkdir local \
          && mkdir remote \
          && touch local/foo \
          && touch local/bar \
          && touch remote/old \
          && mkdir remote/.well-known \
          && tree -a \
          && rsync -avh --delete --exclude=".well-known" local/ remote/ \
          && tree -a \
          && cd .. \
          && rm -r temp \
              || echo "failed"
      # end of demo
      Run the demo...
      ├── local
      │   ├── bar
      │   └── foo
      └── remote
          ├── old
          └── .well-known
      3 directories, 3 files
      sending incremental file list
      deleting old
      sent 178 bytes  received 61 bytes  478.00 bytes/sec
      total size is 0  speedup is 0.00
      ├── local
      │   ├── bar
      │   └── foo
      └── remote
          ├── bar
          ├── foo
          └── .well-known
      3 directories, 4 files

1.2 Use a specific ID

Sometimes I have an ssh key that I use. The following sums up how I specify that key and specify a port. I'll hope someone knows a better way and lets me know some day.

rsync -avh -e "ssh -i $HOME/.ssh/id_file_here -p 4321" --delete local/ username@