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1 Timely brain dump

I think most of this goes to climate change, a term I almost always insist folks replace with global heating. We probably need an even stronger term, maybe accidental terraforming.

I just retired a monitor I've used on/off for at least eight years. It hasn't failed, but the backlight has dimmed to the point that it no longer makes a better option that either of my main laptop's built-in screens. In between there I had another monitor that actually did fail. I think I still have it sitting around with a bunch of other dead techno junk.

Since the snow/ice last month I've only ridden my bike not even a handful of times. Clearing out the debris around the house and the repetitive house cleaning has turned into enough of a workout, but I feel a bit confined. The sun the last day or two has helped with my mood.

I have a 3d printer now, but I had to request some replacement parts, and I haven't made it to fixing them yet.

Work Fenris Punk continues (thanks me). I managed to reconstruct the play-test history, though I still have a bit to transcribe. More on that over on the other website…

The pandemic seems to continue to hit other folks harder than me. When I gave up pop-culture social media in 2016 I lost most of my "friends". I don't know what's going on with most folks. I've been ignored by most SMS/phone calls, which I get, folks have lots going on. But when I talk to others, I know that many of them, especially close to me, have lost lots of people to this dreadful disease or to any of the other things going on right now.

So I'll just keep working, reaching for that lever.