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1 Why you don't want a Purism Librem 5

I had a special place in my heart for Purism. And I've blogged about liking them before. Money scarcity finally became less of an issue about two and a half years ago when I finally put down the money for the Librem 5 back in the winter of 2019.

After what had seemed like forever, Purism finally decided to start taking orders, not just crowdfunding for backers. So about a month before the device should have shipped, Pursim delayed, and then delayed, and then delayed the release.

Eventually they changed their refund policy. It originally looked like this:

  1. If, for any reason, you want to cancel your order before it was shipped, we will issue a full refund.
  2. If there is a defective hardware component, we’ll send you a replacement part or a new product unit free of charge (see Warranty #2 and #3).
  3. If you want to return a product that doesn’t have any hardware issues, we’ll charge a 10% restocking fee. We accept these returns within 30 days of delivery.

Then they started making a distinction between orders and pre-orders. I'll omit most of it. Reading back through the page archives shows several versions.

  1. If, for any reason, you want to cancel your order before it was shipped, we will issue a full refund.
  2. If you want to cancel an order for products that are in the process of crowdfunding or pre-order, we will issue a full refund once the crowdfunding/pre-order of the product is completed and all pre-orders are shipped.

So about a year ago I started to try to reach out to their support folks asking for a refund. It took several months and then finally they referred me to the change in the policy. They said since I was a "backer" I had to wait. I reached out to the Better Business Bureau aka BBB (apparently on available from the US) and they took about a month or two to tell me the business practices were awful but they only rate and seek to resolve issues. But since Purism had ignored all their inquiries, the BBB said they could do nothing to help me. They did suggest a lawsuit, but who has time for that when there's a pandemic, employment is shifty, healthcare is expensive, my bioregion was recovering from fire damage from a few months before, or my bioregion was currently going through power outages due to an ice storm. Btw, see my other posts about how all of these have contributed to lack of sleep.

So here I thought I would put down my thoughts and experience on this. If I had a Librem 5 in my hands today I would be happy to have it. No doubt about it. But as it is, I cannot recommend it at all. There are some YouTubers who have reviewed it, but I absolutely must assume they've been prioritized for their adverts. And in fact I must tell folks to not buy it because of the way I have been treated. If someone like me who lives a relatively privileged life suffers a little from 700US$ in 2019, someone else in a lesser disposition in life is going to hurt hard and even worse in 2021.

Please do not recommend the Purism Librem 5.

Thanks go The Wayback Machine at

1.1 UPDATE 2022-06-08 Lead times posted

It looks like Purism has started posting that the non-US made Librem 5 will taking 52 weeks of lead time. I've archived the page. So at this point, though for accountability I have no faith in it, I should have to wait a year. Going back to July 2021 I see they expected "parity" as early as last October into this year.

The reason why I even looked on their website was because someone I know who also ordered one (and is still waiting) sent me a link to a post on reddit. I'm over it, but at this point I still need to warn potential new customers.

2 What can I buy instead?

If you really want to support a libre project, particularly a mobile phone, I suggest the PINEPHONE from At least they seem to be shipping to more than just YouTubers advertising their products.

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