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1 Updates

2 Firstly, the wetware

When I see the word "antimalware" at work I always think about "animalware" and Animal the muppet.

My area has returned to saner temperatures. I feel like I still need some recovery. The local lawmakers have banned fireworks for the season.

That said, the last few weeks I haven't had much energy. This definitely goes way back. The last year since the pandemic my day job has mostly become more demanding. We've piled on more and more projects. I do my best to write good code and to leave things better than I found them. But because I often end up needing to work so much, it means I still fail. I do not get overtime pay…

All of that said, I feel like I need to do a little overview of the state of the code. Most of the my projects have fallen behind.

I have had the energy to listen to several clean code/TDD lectures from Uncle Bob. It has been a good reminder of the things I studied in my grad program. This, including all the spaghetti code I've worked on over the last two years, I've decided that plugin architecture with TDD using SOLID and DRY principles are the only way to go.

3 Active projects

Aside from my blog and 3d printing, I have several code repos. I either actively use or have specific plans for these projects. I'll skip the dotfiles and subdotfiles (eg emacs and mutt) for now.

3.1 Fenris Punk

I still have so much on paper, but at least I only have one notepad, as of a couple months ago. Mostly maps information. The project has multiple aspects to it. The rules, the story, and recording the playtests and using those to address issues with the rules. I've fallen behind on all counts.

The ascii to png renderer needs some work. I had some momentum behind it around the end of April and beginning of May, but it's fallen behind like all the rest. The death of Near makes me want to continue working on this because I took some inspiration from the SNES emulation scene, indirectly such as how to store graphics.

3.2 MED

This project includes several moving parts that I should probably turn into a monorepo. An enterprise web app used with SSO, drop-in/replaceable front-ends, non-complicated style with minimal dependencies. So many moving parts… I don't feel like going over it all right now, except to say there are some testing and architectural decisions I made last year when I originally made it as a demo for students that I don't think I want to keep. I originally built this to demo for groups of students to build upon, extend, or take over, but in the end the students built something else and I kept working on this instead. Or rather, these instead.

3.3 peers

I mostly need to turn the peers website into a well-formed package with knowledge of how to create a venv, so developers can just run it. I might migrate the jams and project ideas in as pages or blog posts. I might also move the template back into the main project so it only has one peers-related dependency.

3.4 drek

I don't think I've shared this project yet anywhere… I originally created this one as a python-based set of tools concerned with secrets management and backup. For example I have a backup tool for my keys and pass vault.

3.5 code-examples

I recently added a C example for converting a double to well-formed localized string because of something I saw at work. I wanted to think of a better way to implement it. But please don't ever use doubles to store money…

Anyway, I originally created this project to house specific coding ideas, but I think I'll turn it into a monolith for preliminary coding ideas. That said, I'll probably migrate some of my dormant repos such as these into it:

I think I might rename this repo too and use it for kicking off all my work from now on, kind of like a counterpart to this very blog.

3.6 static-site-generator

My custom ssg based on org-mode works just fine, but it clearly has two issues that I know how to fix, but they've fallen on the back burner.

  1. Only one instance can run at a time.
  2. Only knows how to run projects in a statically defined child directory.

4 Dormant projects

I mentioned above that some projects I want to migrate into code-examples. I have a few others that were fun to experiment with that I may or may not migrate. Others are significant, but that I have lost the reason to keep working on them. I'll talk about just a few.

4.1 ttrpg-character-generator

This elm project wasn't really ever any good. I mostly fiddled with it as a way to learn more about elm off the clock so I could apply that knowledge to my day job without actually working on the day job task. No overtime, remember?

4.2 peers-identity

I wrote this originally as a way to learn starlette. Same no-overtime context as ttrpg-character-generator. It's concerned too much with details such as the framework and database and not the actual use cases.

4.3 orbitaldrydock

This csharp project I worked on at a meetup a while back. I don't have any plans to keep it maintained, but maybe I'll return to it someday.

4.4 securemailbox

I think about this one all the time, but right now I just don't need it for anything. These three repos came from another college student collaboration. They did an awesome job. They definitely belong in the top three capstone groups I've sponsored/TA'ed. I've reused some of the ideas, though I never deployed this because the organization related to it went under last year. Both the api and cli repos have some great work in them. Though, I think they're both too coupled with flask and postgres. Again, "the details" not the use cases. Some re-arch/re-design could turn these into an awesome tool. I never used the demo…


Last but not least, this project also involved a capstone project for the same folks as securemailbox. These students definitely were the top group I have ever worked with. They built a react-native app to exchange public keys and encrypt messages. The idea was to build something that did not require a blockchain, contrast to uPort or compare with IRMA.

Sadly, after they stopped working on the project and I took over, the target users decided not to use this project at all. I spent another two months cleaning up the code and refining the build process, but I could never get anyone else to start using it, let alone to give me feedback. I also couldn't get anyone else to contribute to the project. So now this project has gone stale for three years. All of that said, it had two remaining issues at the time when I stopped working on it. I felt disappointed and ultimately decided to work on some kind of entertainment-related project instead (eventually what became Fenris Punk).

  1. Users needed to be in person to init communications.
  2. It had knowledge of a server side bouncer for messages instead of true message integration.

4.6 self-sovereign-id

For the same target audience as securemailbox but also for the same reason as peers-identity, I hammered on this project for a while just to fiddle around with routes and components in the framework. It has some features that I took from just so I could give it a purpose. I have better code in MED, now. I don't plan on working on this project anymore.