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1 Prologue

Today had some really terrible things happen. Someone, unknown publically so far, got killed by chud terrorists. Duckworth saved the ballots. Þrettándinn came and went. Say bye bye my elf and troll friends. I got a 3D printer. I don't know if the goat got torched this year, but hopefully the yarl takes care of the boat.

2 hello, a FreeBSD for "mere mortals"

I read the post on and then the one on medium. So I picked up an ISO build from their site. I always forget the dd step to use status=progress, so I always past it in:

df -h
      sudo dd bs=4M status=progress if=hello-whatever-I-downloaded.iso of=/dev/sdn

Then I popped the USB stick into one of my many "garage sale" laptops that I never use. A few minutes later it booted up (I admit I am very lucky). I feel like it took a while, just staring at the FreeBSD splash screen. Even back when I had a mac, I used to override the apple with the init dumps just so I could see things happen.

3 References