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1 Preface

I haven't written in a while. I want to give an update as well as to include a general letter to one of the people for whom I originally started this blog. I started a post a few months ago, denouncements. At the time things were bad and then things ended up getting worse.

2 Dear Kid

This is a letter to you, so if you are reading this, you'll know. I hope you're still around and I hope you're safe.

I started this blog a few years ago. In truth, as you probably know, I have been writing online since before we knew each other. Over time I have dug up old notes and backdated them, but for the most part, this blog contains things I have written either for myself or to hope that you or some of the others would read it.

When I first knew you, I was a bit younger, not just in age but also maturity. Some of that unrefinement, that youth remains. Most of my sense of humour probably comes from the innocense of my youth. I think most of my best jokes are spoken out loud, not just written, so some things are probably lost.

There are probably other things that are lost too that are not related to my own shortcomings. There are a lot of things going on right now in the world (Earth is a busy place, so that's nothing new). Some things I might discuss on my blog with a joking or a technical aspect (I like to think I'm good at those, but in case I'm not no one has called me out yet!). But there are a few things that I simply cannot discuss due to my position in life. And for this I mean both my place of employment as well as across the family and relatives, even in my own household. For the former I am legally not allowed to discuss certain things. And for the latter, I care about my family a lot and I do my best to not stir things up. The way things are these days, it's a lot about personal and political values.

So there are unintentional miscommunications and mistakes as well as very deliberate withholdings of conversation or discussion. For either case, I want you to know that I do care about things. I was a lot more outspoken when I was younger, but now I don't have that luxery.

So I will give one opinion. I think things are probably going to get spicy later this year. If you're stateside, keep yourself safe. Try to avoid falling for social media rabbitholes, from whichever side. Just stay out of the whole thing. I hope everyone just can chill out whichever way things go.