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1 WIP - 2021-01-08

I noticed that my RSS feed has blown up each time I fix the format of my legacy blog posts. Some still have the old php, and others the not as old markdown. So I'll keep updating this one until I finish this round. Hopefully that keeps this one first and the others last.

2 WIP - 2021-01-09

I started using pandoc again. But even after I do, I find that I need to fix the org export settings, eg the meta data for each file.

For each update, I will just tick the second for the time stamp, but I will add a new heading commentary. I do this purely for posterity…

I don't really like most of the structure of the blog. I also have quite a few files that could probably go away. One of them only has a single link back in 2018 when Fenris Punk still did not exist yet other than in concept.

I also went down a rabbit hole looking at different ways to ensure portability for emacs scripts. I want to start working on my ssg again. First I ran into a dead end with a short but nice rss feed generator. I decided to still not use ox-rss. I like webfeeder, but I didn't get around to it. Then, back to portability, I remembered seeing something on rosettacode about setting the shebang to sh and exec'ing the actual script for python. I just don't like the way emacs handles stdout and stderr, though I suppose I could probably override it.

2.1 main.el

      ":"; exec emacs --script "$0" "-Q" "$@" # -*- mode: emacs-lisp; lexical-binding: t; -*-
      (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "./"))
      (load "foo")
      (message "Hello world")
      (message "argv: %S" argv)

2.2 foo.el

(message "Foo!")

3 WIP - 2021-01-10

Some of these blog posts came from two blog iterations ago. For one of them, I ended up needing to use pandoc to convert to two different versions to grab the html to org and the markdown to org, effectively. Some of the blog posts used to be blog pages that I used to achively update. Some of them don't even really seem to matter anymore, but I like seeing how my opinions have changed over the years.

4 WIP - 2021-01-11

Well, I finished the main job of converting, finally. I have written a ton of garbage… but I'll keep it for posterity.

5 References