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Some older blog pages may have some old formatting that do not render properly.

1 – 2023-11-19 Sun 12:04 - Happy Holi-Doom

Adding more memes to my life….

2 – 2023-10-27 Fri 19:14 - Denouncements

I need to talk about where I stand on a few things….

3 – 2023-10-08 Sun 16:49 - Star Wars Timelines

Thinking more about how we pronounce planets….

4 – 2023-07-22 Sat 16:55 - Humble Stance

First real post for the new year forever….

5 – 2023-03-27 Mon 14:20 - Potato Security

Potato Security, security contractors from Fenris Punk….

Langskip ASAP